Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Dancing and Donnellys 3/26/07

Color me shocked. I've already started voting on Dancing with the Stars. I called in a couple times last night to vote for Laila Ali, because she was just fantastic last night.

In fact, just about everyone danced very well last night, at least according to the judges. There didn't seem to be much differentiation among all the couples, which make me wonder what's going to happen when we get down to the final two couples. Is it going to be a popularity contest again?

The one couple's scores that surprised me was Brian and Shandi. I didn't think they rated a couple of sixes and a seven. (I think that's what they got. I didn't take notes, so I could be wrong.) It makes me curious if the judges judge just the celebs or if they judge the couple themselves. If it's the couple, I can see why they gave Shandi and Brian a higher score, because Brian was doing all the work. Shandi looked really stiff, so if it's just her that they're judging, I would have given her a lower score.

I'll admit that even Billy Ray looked much better this week. I'm still not thrilled with his choice of music for a quickstep, but he looked a bit better this week. I think the slicked-back hair helped, too.

Heather Mills shocked the heck out of me. If I didn't know that she had a prosthetic leg, I wouldn't have been able to tell with her performance last night. The back walk-over was amazing! I may have to start voting for her, provided she doesn't get the boot tonight. I'm also glad they decided to give her a better looking outfit. She looked so much better this week compared to last week, clothes-wise.

Overall, a very entertaining show. I don't know if I'll tune in to the results and recap shows tonight. DWTS is trying to be too much like Idol, in my opinion. Especially with an hour-long results show. They really don't need that entire hour. And they've added an hour-long recap show. Seriously, this is why I have a little anger towards Idol. Having so many hours of programming devoted to one show is never a good thing, in my opinion. Look what happened to Millionaire!

Anyway, on to the second show of the evening, The Black Donnellys.

I actually felt somewhat bored by this week's episode. It really felt like filler to me, for some reason.

The one thing I did like, of course, was Kate Mulgrew. That woman can say more with one facial expression than a lot of people can say with hundreds of words. When she caught Sean calling Kim, the downturn of her face was amazing. Really, they should give her more to do on that show.

The Jenny and her father story seemed a long time in coming. They've been hinting at her father losing his memory for some time now, and we first get to see that happen now? Seems a bit off to me. Plus, unfortunately, I don't really care all that much whether their diner closes or not. I like Jenny, but the diner story seems so far off from the main story in the show that it feels off whenever it's featured.

Poor Tommy. I know what it's like to have to help people out, but I've never been so in over my head as he is. I felt terrible for him, having to beat up someone that he considered a friend for money. I can tell it's tearing him up inside to have to be so involved in cleaning up his brothers', specfically Jimmy's, messes. Although, I did like how he's still trying to help Jenny out even though he rebuffed her attempts to make nice after she slept with Samson.

I wish Kevin would have a bigger role in the story, too. He's seems more like a sidekick than a brother at the moment, which is unfortunate. I think there's a story for him waiting to be told. I just hope we'll get to see it.

The whole Irish vs. Italian thing is going to lead up to a big mob war, isn't it? I'd really prefer not to see that happen, but I'm guessing that's where it's heading.

I guess I'm less in love with this show after this week, only because I didn't find it as riveting as it could have been. I'm hoping that this is just a little slump. Next week looks to be pretty good, so I'll keep tuning in.

What did you all think, or those of you that watch either of these shows? I look forward to hearing comments from anyone, really.

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