Sunday, January 14, 2007

Grey's Anatomy (1/11/07)

First of all, I hate episodes the end of with "To Be Continued." However, with Grey's Anatomy, I can deal with it a little bit better, because most episodes are just incredibly good.

Overall, I thought this episode was really well done. I especially have to give props to T. R. Knight. His performance this week was amazing. I'm thinking mostly of when he saw his father post-surgery and neared a breakdown. That was just amazing acting.

I also liked Miranda giving Callie tips on how to get Derek to actually consult on the case of the girl with the severely curved spine. Callie staring down Derek was just classic. And then when she tried that on George and he just got scared, which made me chuckle a bit. That is a pairing that really has potential if they could just get on the same page at the same time.

I was moderately surprised by the near-kiss by Addison and Karev. Only moderately because ABC felt the need to spoil it in the promos to the episode. Seriously, ABC, stop spoiling scenes in the coming episodes in your promos!!! I think this is another couple with potential. I also think that Karev has a place in gynecology, so even if he and Addison don't get together, they should keep working together.

Katherine Heigl continues to amaze me with her acting. I loved the scenes where Izzie was depositing the check from Denny. You could tell that she didn't want to deposit the check but she needed to to get into the surgery for the curved-spine girl. It was just well-acted overall.

And as much as I hate montages, I actually liked the montage on this week's episode. Of course, the reason I hate montages is that they're totally overused in soaps, and badly used at that. But this montage was great. I really liked how they slowly revealed that Cristina and Burke were in the same room just looking at each other.

Seguing from that, Burke and Cristina are being written completely in character. They're both bull-headed and won't give in to the other. I'm interested to see where that goes.

I'm really looking forward to next week to see what happens from the events of this week go. But, I almost wish they would have shown both episodes as a two-hour special, but this keeps people watching, so I can't blame them.

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