I'm writing this a bit later than I would have liked to. I had a snow day today, so spent most of my morning sleeping and watching my soaps. :) But I have a little time now, so I figured I'd post some thoughts about these two shows from last night.
First off, I still maintain that Gilmore Girls continues to get better and better. I absolutely loved last night's episode. I don't think there was one thing that I didn't like about the episode.
The thing I liked best was that Christopher acknowledged that he pushed Lorelai into marrying him before she was ready. That's all I wanted to see from him, and I got my wish last night. This was the most human I've seen him since before the winter hiatus.
It was both sad and hilarious that Michel wanted such a big to-do for the death of his dog. I know that losing a pet is sad (my bunny died several months ago, and I'm still sad about that), but I wouldn't think of inviting half the town to a wake and serving fancy food and having full-fledged programs. That's what made it so funny.
Zach's reaction to having to play "My Heart Will Go On" was priceless.
I, for one, was thrilled that Sookie actually got to be part of the main story this week. I know some people don't really like Sookie (from listening to the podcasts), but I adore her. I think she made a very valid point to Lorelai, too, when she asked Lorelai that if Luke wasn't in the picture, would Christopher be the one she'd want to be with. That was a great line, in my opinion. I'm really glad someone pointed that out.
I loved the opening scene with the Gilmores in the hospital walking around. I think it was hilarious how Richard was going along with Rory and Lorelai's bit at first, and then Emily started in with the gossiping. That was just classic. I really would love to see more scenes like that.
I was intruiged by Rory's reaction to Richard's replacement. Sure, the guy was good looking, but I didn't think of Rory as being one that would be into a professor/teacher. That's more Paris's style. (I'm referring to season 4 for those of you that don't know.) I do like that she was honest with Logan right away about it, too. It shows that she's learned from her past relationships.
I really felt bad for both Lorelai and Christopher at the end. I could tell that neither of them really wanted to give up on their marriage, but they both knew that it wasn't going to last. It was very mature on both their parts to end it and bow out gracefully.
I'm looking forward to next week's episode, judging from the previews. It looks like it's going to be quite funny.
Next up is House. I found the case with the teenager that couldn't feel pain to be very interesting (although slightly repetitive since I just saw an episode like that on Grey's this season).
I still find it amazing that House is so adept at diagnosing people from just observing them for a few minutes. I wouldn't have guessed that that girl couldn't feel pain in that short amount of time. But, that's just me, I guess.
I found it quite amusing that the girl was always trying to fake out everyone by feeling pain. It was especially funny near the end when House told her that they weren't going to fall for it that time, and she just pouted and collapsed.
I don't know about anyone else, but I was a bit queasy as House was pulling the tapeworm out of her. Yuck!
I noticed that they've really gone back to the traditional formula where something clicks in House's brain when someone says something incredibly appropriate and House is able to diagnose the problem. I still didn't understand until he pulled the tapeworm out, but it is kind of routine. I just find it to be a bit too coincidental that people just happen to say something at the right time. Maybe I'm just being too picky.
So, what is with having another long hiatus from House? Three weeks until a new episode? Really? This is sweeps month, for Pete's sake! There should be new episodes throughout the month! At least I think there should be.
I just hope that the secret they're revealing in the next new episode is worthwhile. The last time they said that, I wasn't as impressed, so hopefully it's an improvement. I guess I'll just have to wait and see.
That's it from me for Tuesday night TV. Feel free to let me know what you thought of these shows!
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
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