Sunday, December 17, 2006

The Holiday

This weekend I went to see The Holiday with my friend in Greensburg. It was, surprisingly, the only movie that was showing this weekend that seemed worth seeing in our opinions. I have to say that it was a very good movie. True, it was a sappy romantic comedy, but who doesn't like those every once in a while?

I was really surprised to see Jack Black in a less offbeat role. He really pulled it off well, and he had great chemistry with Kate Winslet. I would never have pictured those two being paired in any movie, but it was really good casting. I also liked seeing Kate Winslet doing a funny film. The only other movie I recall her being in that wasn't a drama is Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, which I have yet to see.

The plot of the movie, if you haven't seen a trailer for it, is that these two women exchange houses over the holidays because they need a vacation from their life. (I can relate to that.) Mainly they're trying to get away from the men in their lives, and, of course, while they're in a different country they meet the men of their dreams. Hokey, yes, but that's what romantic comedies are. There were some really obvious moments that would happen in the plot. For example, Cameron Diaz's character hadn't been able to cry for many, many years, but at the thought of leaving the man (Jude Law) she met in England, she's finally able to cry. I saw that coming from the beginning of the movie. The only twist I didn't see coming had to do with Jude Law's character, which I won't spoil for anyone that might read this and go see the movie.

The only thing I didn't like about the movie had nothing to do with the movie at all. The theater we went to was having some trouble with its screens. The movie didn't start until 20 minutes after it was supposed to start for some reason. Luckily they skipped the previews before it and got right to the movie. If they hadn't done that, I would not have been a very happy person at all.

Overall, I really liked this movie. Of course, I've been in a sappy mood lately, so that probably helped. I would definitely recommend seeing this movie, especially around this time of year, because with all the rampant commercialism, it's nice to see a movie that is heartwarming.

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